
Keep the Union Safe

Science Fiction

   In this book you are entering the future or one possible future. It is 2227 and human civilization has reached out over the years, explored the planets and moons; and now dominate the solar system. Earth is still a home for humans but in far less numbers than had been achieved in the 21st century. War, disease, religions, and human stupidity have contributed to this situation on Earth itself. The other half of the human population live scattered out on other planets and moons throughout the rest of the solar system. 

   World War III resulted in a vast nuclear exchange which made most to the norther hemisphere of Earth uninhabitable. Then diseases went through further reducing the Earth’s population. 

   Meanwhile, the people who went into space were left to fend for themselves without direct support from Earth. These people became independent in space to survive in settlements. At first all were small but then grew. The settlement on Mars split and grew larger, as did the settlement on Earth’s moon now called Luna. 

   Finally, came a time that all of these settlements came together to form a Union. A loose government of common purpose for all of the people settled in the solar system. 

   On Earth things of a government nature turned differently. Out of the ashes of many disasters rose a new religion Crimbian. Over time Crimbian became the main ruling authority on Earth. Now the Solar Union and the Crimbian Empire have grown apart and share little in common. The main goal of Crimbian Empire is to convert all humans to the faith. This has set the stage for a new struggle between humans. The control of all people who live in the solar system. 

   In this future there are no space aliens, or another race of intelligent non-humans. Life beyond the planet Earth has never been discovered, and the only life in the solar system are those brought there by humans. Ships travel between planets in months and sometimes years. Ships built for long space voyages must spin on an axis to provide artificial gravity. These interplanetary space ships are huge by today’s standards, some are several miles long. Looking at the space ships from a distance they resemble a cylinder. To get from one ship to another you must get into a shuttle and make the trip through open space. 

   In this world technology has evolved, however, people are still people. Mankind is still civilizations worst enemy. This is a story of war and the people who are forced by circumstances to be part of this great solar war.    

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