
Web OF Time

Science Fiction

    Jake Carter Captain of the space ship Endora has crash landed.  Jake is a tormented man who has spent years chasing a criminal mastermind, Link Gilford.  Now he is close, so close, but fate intervenes when he is thrown back in time to a strange world. A most primitive time where most of the normal skills he has are useless. In this primitive world the people have no modern technology.  The light oil lamps to see by at night, cook on wood stoves, grow their own food, and ride horses to travel from one place to another. 

     Now he must learn to exist in this new world while trying to find some way back to his time, so he can continue the hunt. 

Jake ponders the questions that have intrigued so many who think about time. Has he gone back into a place where he naturally went to and was supposed to be all along? Or will his presence change his future time if he makes a mistake.  Yet, as he encounters people that he has come to like and respect, he must grapple with attempting to help or letting things just go on as they may have. 

    Jake is trapped in a Web of Time. A sticky place to be when he has a mission. 

Is this book science fiction or a western? – I’ll let you, the readers, decide.  

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